Current location and position of MAERSK GUAYAQUIL
Where is the current location of MAERSK GUAYAQUIL presently?
The MAERSK GUAYAQUIL, a cargo vessel registered under the flag of Hong Kong, is currently navigating the seas. The ship, bearing IMO number 9727871 and MMSI number 477737800, measures 337 meters in length and 48 meters in beam. The maps provided below detail pertinent voyage information, including the ship’s present location, its next scheduled port of call, estimated time of arrival (ETA), predicted time of arrival (PTA), speed, course, and draught. Additional resources such as photos, videos, local time, and UTC time are also provided.
MAERSK GUAYAQUIL Review and Specifications
Flag state | Hong Kong |
Year of Built | 2015 |
Ship type | Container Ship |
Callsign | VROS8 |
Gross Tonnage | 113042 |
Summer Deadweight | 119359 |
Length | 337 m |
Beam | 48 m |
IMO | 9727871 |
MMSI | 477737800 |
Owner | Maersk |